SPACE 2024 du 17 au 19 September
Trophées InnovSpace

Innov'Space 2023 prize-winners

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Alfalfa bale with dispenser rack

To control tail biting in pig farming during the post-weaning phase, several solutions exist, ranging from caudectomy to the use of repellents and environmental enrichment. If it is effective, the practice of caudectomy is questioned by society.
The proposed solution is a sustainable fiber source to reduce aggressiveness. Offered as dehydrated refined alfalfa bales (20 kg), this solution has proven to be effective in livestock farming and at the Cooperl's experimental farm. To optimize the concept, it was necessary to develop a specific distribution rack with Coquelin, the challenge being to allow access to the bale so as not to generate either frustration or excessive consumption. Fixing the rack is easily done on any type of grating to avoid being knocked over or moved.
The average durability for a bale is 8 weeks for 20 piglets, but its use may be considered as a curative as soon as the first signs of cannibalism appear.

12 rue de Ponthieu
75008  PARIS